Plantex LGU
Plantex® All In One Solution Multi-Purpose Plant Extract Concentrate AIO-SC-100 is the only natural and organic waste water and solid waste treatment solution, odor eliminating, disinfecting and multi-purpose cleaning solution with anti-dengue property that have been approved by FDA (Food and Drug Administration) and certified by the National Eco-labelling of the Philippines (NELP). It carries the seal of approval of GREEN CHOICE PHILIPPINES that guarantees our environmental compliance, superiority and excellence of our product.
What are the product advantage & benefits Plantex AIO?
We are very confident that your Local Government Unit will be able to achieve the environmental laws compliance required by the DENR/EMB and will continuously help mitigate water pollution on the account of low chemical oxygen demand, low biological oxygen demand, low total suspended solids, low E-coli count and other DENR/EMB wastewater parameters prior to its discharge into our water bodies while at the same time addressing the usual problems incurred during your cleaning, disinfecting, eliminating foul odor, grease cutting/digesting, wastewater treatment and composting purposes.

Multi-Purpose Solution
What is Plantex AIO?
Our products will help increase efficiency in your wastewater treatment solution to be used particularly in the cleaning treatment of existing Septic Tank and Septic Bolt System in your localities, solid waste management solution specifically in your open dumpsite, cleaning and sanitizing solutions/products for your office buildings, public markets, slaughterhouse, schools, lying inn clinics, hospitals, Barangay MRF.
Plant Extract
Super Concentrate with Anti-Dengue Property
Odor Eliminator
Grease Cutter
Multi-Purpose Cleaner
Insect Repellant